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Thursday, December 22, 2011

I'm Back...

I'm back to my blog after almost a four year hiatus. A lot of things have changed from my last blog post. I am no longer with Daymon Worldwide and I am currently with the National Pork Board in the position of Marketing Manager. I love my job and one of the best parts is that I get to travel the country. From San Francisco to San Antonio, from Minneapolis to Tampa, my job keeps me moving around at all times. I get to see and do amazing things all year round! Due to this I have decided to re-dedicate my blog to my travels. I plan on posting everything from my airport experiences to the best places to eat in any given city. I will be sure to add plenty of photos so you can see for yourself as well.

Being that it is the end of the year, and I am on vacation until after the new years, I will post some of my travel experiences from earlier this year. Sort of a "Year In Review" if you will. Plan on checking in after the first of the year for new updates and plenty of stories. Happy Holidays everyone and enjoy!

Rob Kirchofer

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